
Deep Learning for Congenital Heart Disease

Project goal: build a deep learning model to classify ultrasound videos as one of five different pathologies

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Meme Image Caption Generator

Project goal: take a base image template and create a model to automatically generate a funny caption

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Spotify Track Recommendation

The goal of this project was to build a recommendation system that would provide the most relevant set of songs given a playlist. Completed as a part of Harvard’s Data Science 1 course, AC 109a, our team explored collaborative filtering, content-based filtering, and k-means clustering to create our recommendation system.

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Reinforcement Learning Implicit Stock Trends

The goal of this project was to train an agent using reinforcement learning to identify and capitalize on implicit trends in stock histories. Completed as a part of Havard's Artificial Intelligence course, CS 182, our team defined our own Markov Decision Process and tried solving it with Q-learning and Approximate Q-learning.

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Amazon Product Rating & Review Statistics

The goal of this project was to investigate the psychology behind Amazon product ratings and reviews. Completed as a part of Harvard's Linear Models course, STAT 139, our team carried out a fleet of statistical tests. Most notably, we performed a sentiment analysis of review text and incorporated that into a multiple linear regression, together with other engineered features to identify the correlates of positive product ratings.

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Python Library Development: Automatic Differentiation

The goal of this project was to develop a python library that could perform automatic differentiation - a method for taking derivatives quickly and to machine precision. Completed as a part of Harvard's Systems Development for Computational Science course, CS 207, our team built a user friendly package that solves an explicit computational graph to propagate derivatives.

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